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TextMode                 Selects Text Mode and Clears the Screen

 TextMode;                                                               [TP]
 TextMode(Mode : Integer);                                               [TP]

    Selects a text mode and optionally clears the screen. If no mode is
    specified, the system default text mode is used. The screen is cleared
    only if a different display mode other than the current mode is

               --------------------- Modes ---------------------
                Values      Name       Text Mode
                  0         BW40       40 x 25, black and white
                  1         C40        40 x 25, color
                  2         BW80       80 x 25, black and white
                  3         C80        80 x 25, color

           Note:    The Mode parameter can either be a value in the range
                    0..3, or one of the following mode names: BW40, C40,
                    BW80, or C80.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           TextMode(C40);           { change text mode to 40 x 25, color }
           TextMode(BW80);          { change text mode to 80 x 25, bw    }
           TextMode(2);             { change text mode to 80 x 25, bw    }

See Also: TextColor TextBackground GraphMode
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson